View Full Version : How long should the CW/CC live? (design life)

03-24-2008, 06:53 PM
Does anyone happen to know the design life of the CW/CC?

I understand that LHR warranties 200 hours on the carving motor, and there may be other warranty criteria, but I'm wondering how long the design engineers expect a properly maintained machine to last.

03-24-2008, 08:10 PM
A Picture is worth a 1000 posts....


03-25-2008, 09:43 AM
Yes, well, there's the intended life, real life, and the luck of the draw.

Like the "Hollywood" sign here in L.A. that originally read "Hollywoodland" and was a temporary billboard. And the temporary parking structure downtown built in 1969 that is still there.

(There's a story in today's times : http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-structure25mar25,0,3926533.story

but this link will only be good temporarily ...)

Hmmm, I can't offhand think of anything built as permanent that evaporated quickly.

I'm happy that you got a good machine Al. I think that I may have been lucky also.

03-27-2008, 10:22 PM
You are my Hero...

Have you had many problems?

How long (in months) have you had your CC/CW?


03-27-2008, 11:02 PM

Does anyone happen to know the design life of the CW/CC?

The machine has been around three years now and over 10,000 sold. I haven't heard of anyone wearing one out.

03-28-2008, 09:23 AM
Mslavick asks, "How long (in months) have you had your CC/CW?"

err, 0.8 months. Not long - but the lemons seem to be apparent after 3 - 7 carve hours and I think that I'm up to 20 or so.