View Full Version : Cribbage

03-21-2008, 07:50 PM
I知 going crazy here. I知 looking for a cribbage board template that I can use to make some boards.

Is there some software that could help me make my own?

Thanks for any help.


03-21-2008, 08:08 PM

If you do a quick "Forum Search" Key Words (Cribbage Board)
you'll find a page full of post, styles and templets http://www.carvewright.com/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

03-21-2008, 08:16 PM
Like Sensei suggested, I did a search and came up with lots of posts.
This post look like a nice variation.

03-21-2008, 09:23 PM
I didn't find any templates. There were some cool games but no template.

03-21-2008, 09:26 PM
What kind of a program would I need to make my own template?

03-22-2008, 07:03 AM

The .mpc files in those posts are the templets ,you can open the files in designer
and modify them as you wish to suit your needs.
If that doesn't do the job for you, do a Google search
on cribbage board templates, there's a ton of them out there.

Cribbage Boards (http://clues4free.com/CribbageBoards.rhtml?destination=aHR0cDovL3JjMTAub 3ZlcnR1cmUuY29tL2Qvc3IvP3hhcmdzPTE1S1BqZzE0TlNncGF td3JxdmQ3ak1XckxaejEwTWtweTM5TXRzRG9jb1E5aFg5bnBxV mVWN2Jxclh5cGgxVHVsbTV3all4ZkNUJTJES1FWTHZyJTJEbjF PNEpWQ0RSRldCSHVYNTJvbVElMkQ3eGlPNjZrWDloQmdMWXVid HZaaGNaRFAzd0dkRCU1RndkTkc4bnZpJTVGZUpYMFBueEQlNUZ Jb0t4QldlJTJEZmg0a0o2N2w3aEtXYXlKaWw5NiUyREYzUklaT UJtS2RmZ3NuR0labDdYT01HY3RuSm94YTVjWjFJdjlvRDVadld PU1lFZHlhbDRIRUt0RmlFSlM1JTJEb3FqYkxkc0U2JTJEcWcyT nVJT3FHa3pvc1BQQkdGcGFGdW0lMkRDbjJRekYlMkRydDFaeiU yRFBUSUJKTUdzMFg3MnROamZkbmxwNHBmaUF6ckdDZm9RbjBYa nlGYU9jVkI2ME5CTTVMeDBqRGV1R2ZBU0pjQ0kxOUUlNUZEZnA xUUlKR2olMkREWHZXdW13TkdNcVlrVlFyZDYwTHBjTDRpejQlN UZnJTJFJTJF&resultsetid=0&c=10&pos=2&ad_id=496795861&ct=1)

03-22-2008, 08:55 AM

Are you wanting to make a template that you use with a handheld router to make your cribbage board? I don't think anyone has created a template for that. You would need to draw that in the Designer software.

Is there a specific board layout you are looking for?


03-22-2008, 11:17 AM
kenm, thanks for the link. I would like to make my own designs. I知 not sure how to lay it out. Can it be done with the Carve Wight software?

03-22-2008, 11:48 AM
Yep, look at the cut lists from some of the cribbage boards posted
on the forum for hole sizes and spacing in CW Designer, and you'll be good to go.

03-22-2008, 11:53 AM
Kenm, I saved the file. How do I open it in designer? I'm kinda new to this so be patient. :)

I did open it and moved it to the board but how do I manipulate it in the program?

03-22-2008, 01:53 PM
Which file did you up load to designer, and how do you want to modify it,
length, width, depth, plus you have to decide what you might want to add or subtract from the file.

03-22-2008, 08:29 PM
I loaded the one you had Kenm. When I load any of them there is not just the hole pattern but the underlying stuff so it cuts out more than just the hole pattern.