View Full Version : Solid Surfaced Formica

twinpeaksenterprises, LLC
02-29-2008, 08:27 PM
This is my first go at carving anything but wood. It is solid surfaced formica as said by the guy at the cabinet shop. It carved unbelieveably clean. Although i may try a dremel buffer on it tommorow. I couldnt for the life of me get a picture that would do it justice. One is a digital picture of the ship "Constitution", the other is just our business name i did as a test piece. They came out well i was very happy with the results. Used centerline text and a V60 edge route. Although it looked like a snow storm when the edge route kicked in. It was great! Downdraft system worked well but still a little messy but well worth it ..

02-29-2008, 09:45 PM
just funnin ya. you know if it could be sliced in half to 1/4" stuff then run patterns and cutout and glue to the back splashes would look great and possibly a revenue stream from the counter top guys??????

twinpeaksenterprises, LLC
02-29-2008, 09:51 PM
Tim, Exzactly good call! I thought the same thing. Custom backsplashes would be a hit for people that like custom work in their homes. The centerline works nice cause its like those bits actually buff as they cut. The edge route is immaculate, i couldnt believe it. Ya i think ill talk to my cabinet man on Monday and share some ideas. ;)

twinpeaksenterprises, LLC
03-02-2008, 06:57 PM
Anyone know if formica will give the lithopane backlit effect if thin enough? This is one i did but it was .50 just as a test. My guess is it would need to be .250 or less. right? Thanks