View Full Version : Dumb user Q: manipulating existing text

02-23-2008, 05:09 PM
Hello again,

(Nope still don't have the machine, just looking to put together a sign as maybe my first carve.)

How do I move text? How do I know the size of the text box?

I've put down a few bits of text on a blank board that will eventually be a house sign. Thing is, I now want to move and re-size the text aaaaand, I'm having a spot of trouble. I don't seem to be able to move the selected text.

I can grab a lower red corner and resize - but I don't see a label that gives me a dimension read out. Okay, I'll put a grid down and count squares. But, while I can grab the lower red corner dots to resize (and maybe inchworm the text down), I am denied the same function on the upper red corner dots.


Help, again, thanks, again,

Oops, never mind, I found a right click menu that lets me 'remove attachment'. (Now how did I attach that?)

02-23-2008, 05:25 PM

Use your curser to high light your text
Then use your curser anywhere inside the box to drag your text
and leave the red dots alone their for resizing the text

Ps Make you didn't lock it in place by Centering the Text

02-23-2008, 05:31 PM

I you used the center feature with your text then you need to turn it off before you can move your text. To turn it off, click on the center function, if either the hortizonal or vertical is tinted blue, then click on the blue to turn it off. If the text is free to move then click on the text, place your cursor over the text and you will see move symbol (a couple of arrows with points in four directions) Now drag to new location.

If you have the grid turned be sure you checked the "Snap to Grid" box. Now you can grab one of the four red corner dots and drag it to a grid intersection.

The actual height of the text is displayed in a white box at the top of the screen. You can type a new value in the box to change the text height. The other box is the text depth.

Hope I didn't confuse you.

02-23-2008, 06:49 PM
Thanks everyone. Seems that I have it sorted.

Now, I just wait for the machine ...
