View Full Version : the software saves to a temp internet file

eod mcgrath
02-05-2008, 09:17 PM
can i change the defualt location from a temporary internet file to one of my choosing to save my projects too? the temp file that i have been saving too just vanished. is there a way to pull the info off of the memory card?

02-05-2008, 09:26 PM
the defualt location from a temporary internet file

Just like almost any other program, you files are saved where you put them. If you last saved something to a strange location that will be what comes up next time. Just navigate to where you want to save your project (like any other program) and save it. The next time you save it will 'default' to the last location.

02-05-2008, 09:46 PM
Eod, from reading your other post I figured you must be getting stuck on the difference between 'Save' and 'Save As'. Open up, or create a new project in Designer and click File->Save As. This will pop open a dialog box similar to the picture below where you can choose the location to save your project. The next time you save a project Designer will remember this location and 'default' to there.

If you create a new project and click 'Save' you will get the same dialog as Designer does not yet know where you want to save the file. Once you have saved it, and so some more changes and click 'Save' again, Designer will automatically save the file to the same place (it realizes you are just modifying the same file). "Save As' on the other hand tells Designer that you want to save the file some place completely different (or with a different name). Hope that helps...

02-06-2008, 05:59 AM
You most likely downloaded the file, or a file (PTN/MPC) from the internet and told it to open once download was complete. Browsers save everything to "Temporary Internet Files". When you told it to just save after opening it in Designer Software, the software put it back where it got it from.

I ALWAYS (OK almost always :rolleyes: ) do the "Save As" to make sure it is being saved where I want it.

Just click on "File" > "Save As", when the box opens use the top and left side to navigate where you want it.


02-06-2008, 06:51 AM
I would agree 100% with ed on this one.