View Full Version : Z-Axis stall fixed but still down

02-02-2008, 11:37 PM
I recieved a Z-Motor from CW and installed it. They didn't send me instructions but I appear to have gotten it installed. I noticed in the forum that there is a link to instructions on how to do this and after reading it I appear to have done it right. Whentalking to CW during the process They said to upgrade the software. Which I have done. The issue is that when I start the machine it comes up in the "1 Accessory" menu instead of in Projects like it use to. It has me tell it where the corners of the board are and it raises and lower the bit in a very controlled manor to find the surface. It then scrolls the starting corner and lowers the bit again and then post a Z-Axis Stall. The question is why is it doing this? It is acting like I have the scanning probe in but I don't.

02-02-2008, 11:52 PM
You have to tell the machine that you have the new style z-motor unit. I believe that you do so from the scanning menu (scroll through it there should be two choices like: Cover, Z-truck).