View Full Version : sanding trouble

02-02-2008, 11:21 AM
I tryed sanding the project with a sand paper wheel on a dremel. Then I tryed someones sugestion about cutting out circles from a scotch bite pad and attaching it to a shaft for the dremel and I was getting no where fast. I went to Lowe's and started looking at all the dremel bits.I bought one called a "Diamond Point" the number on the package is 7144. When I tryed using it I could not belive how it worked. It fits into the craved area's like it was made for it and the bit doesn't wear out to fast either.Try the slower speeds on the dremel until you get used to it,I bet it will make sanding alot easier.:

twinpeaksenterprises, LLC
02-02-2008, 12:35 PM
Thanks for the info Ruth im going to see if i can find that diamond point. I bought some sponge like sander bits for the dremel their like 280 and 320. They seem to work great also but they dont last long before breaking up but they make for a great finish. I also use the wooden handle brass brush first for clean up. Also really small fine file work good for hard to reach areas. Thanks again.