View Full Version : head will not crank down

01-06-2008, 08:48 PM
I was wondering if anyone has had problems with the head not cranking down. The head won't crank at all, it is in the full up position and when you try to crank it down it just clicks like it's seated on the piece already. I just got the unit for Christmas and this is just the second time I have tried to use it.

01-06-2008, 08:51 PM
Welcome to the forum,

This is the #1 newbie problem. It is caused by the head being cranked too high. Believe it or not the solution is in your users manual in the back under troubleshooting.

I did a quick search and found the following thread which discusses the problem and solution in detail.


Search is your friend,

01-06-2008, 08:53 PM
read the owners manual and do a search on here ,problem solved.

01-06-2008, 09:08 PM
Thanks guys i really do feel like a newbie! I did a search on here earlier and looked at the trouble shooting part of the manual. I guess I was so frustrated that I wasn't paying close enough attention:oops: Just did a litle more checking and I was looking the the manual that I had downloaded and it only went to page 29 and I assumed (you know what that means) that it was identical to the one that came with the unit.