View Full Version : Tattoo-Style "Mom" Box.

12-15-2007, 11:30 PM
This one had some ups and downs. I was really happy with the general design, and I was able to make the "Mom" heart and banner do what I wanted them to do. Getting a nesting lid and box working correctly... not so much.

Part of it was the fact that I was carving in wood that was too thick to run a cut path through, but I didn't notice until it was time to actually run the cut path (Fatal Error Code 3? What's that?). Ergh. So I quickly photoshopped a carve path that was supposed to come through the other side of the wood, stuff didn't line up, it's sloppy-style, and I was embarrassed about it. =)

Thankfully, my wife Kelli would rather make lemonade than have me run through successive iterations, so she went to work sanding and finishing, and despite its lumpiness, I think it turned out all right! It's a little reminiscent of those ugly lumpy clay mugs your kids make in craft class that say "Worlds Greatest Dad" or something, but it definately feels hand-made and with love, which of course it was. Kelli's also a whiz at layin' down the felt... I was really pleased with how she turned that out.

If any of you kids have a lot of experience making fitted, interlocking pieces on this machine, I'd love to hear whatever advice you could bring to bear! I know now that I should be POSITIVE that my wood's under an inch thick (cut paths are your friend), I should use enough wood to stay under the rollers (Oh the problems that's caused), etc. I still worry that this machine might not have the precision I'd need to have a really nice tight fit for complicated parts, but she's got a lot of potential I'm not skilled enough yet to tap. I suspect this pattern will become more popular come mother's day! =D

12-16-2007, 07:09 AM
The tattoo style is cool looking, keep up the good work!

12-16-2007, 12:06 PM
I've got another "Tattoo Banner" project in the works. Hopefully it'll be a pretty smooth process. I'm not terrifically good at sculpting bas-reliefs, but I've figured out a pretty good method for doing banners. Fun stuff!


12-16-2007, 01:08 PM
I Know it's a little off subject
but I couldn't resist
Here's my New Grand Son Ethan at
35 Minutes old natural birth 10 lbs 141/2 oz.
Quite the bruiser

12-16-2007, 02:19 PM
WOW. He is a big boy! I like the I like the mom birthmark to. That is amazing!!! HEHEHEHEHHE..:D :D :D

12-16-2007, 02:44 PM
He's got his mother's eyes, his dad's mouth and chin, and his Grand Ma's hair and nose,
He had to have a little of me in there somewhere.
So I thought maybe he'd have my sense of humor. http://www.carvewright.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_razz.gif