View Full Version : Homing Tab

12-09-2007, 04:44 PM
I was doing a project today and when the machine was homing in, the homing tab on the right wasn't extending out all the way. I tried cleaning it but still the same issue. Now as it does its homing, I can reach in and extend the tab manually and it goes on to do its thing no problem. Has anybody else had this problem and any suggestions as to a solution? Thanks for any input.

12-09-2007, 04:57 PM
You should do a search for touch plate.

Originally I thought that the touch plate was wired to somehow come out on it's own. After I really looked it over I believe it just comes out when the cutting head is forced against it. After cleaning all dust off the spring, try a little oil on the flat area where the truck meets the touch plate.



12-09-2007, 05:01 PM
Or try "bit plate" with the quotation marks (because 'bit' is too small a word for search)

12-09-2007, 05:07 PM
Guess the best thing to do is what everybody else does and just prop the damn thing over and let'er ride

12-09-2007, 05:13 PM
check this thread it will help

12-09-2007, 05:13 PM
When it happened to me I cleaned everything up, blew out the dust behind it and still it didn't work. I then really looked it over and realized how the darn thing worked. Being it just gets pushed over by the truck a little burr can prevent it from working. That's when I decided to oil the flat area where the two touch and it's worked well since then. ;)

12-09-2007, 07:05 PM
After looking it over more closely i found that the head truck wasn't going over all teh way to push the lever I think that something was lodged in the track not letting it go all the way. I gave it a slght push back and forth and it seems to be working ok now. Thanks for all the input.

12-09-2007, 07:19 PM
Guess I also need to brush up on my posting abilities so i don't double post the same thing Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!

12-09-2007, 08:35 PM
Guess I also need to brush up on my posting abilities so i don't double post the same thing Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!
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12-09-2007, 11:15 PM
I was doing a project today and when the machine was homing in, the homing tab on the right wasn't extending out all the way. I tried cleaning it but still the same issue. Now as it does its homing, I can reach in and extend the tab manually and it goes on to do its thing no problem. Has anybody else had this problem and any suggestions as to a solution? Thanks for any input.

It is called the Bit Plate. Do not use oil on the Z rail... Use a chain wax, like bikers use to keep dirt and gunk off the chain but still lube. I wax my rail every other time I use my machine and I have no problems with bit plate sticking now.