View Full Version : Still churning out

11-15-2007, 07:03 PM
A few more projects my machine is happily giving me. :D

The 3 Nails + 1 Cross was inspired by my Daughters Bumper Sticker, the cross was posted on the forum, cannot remember by who but Thanks. Going to give to a co-worker and let him decide how he wants to finish it.

The Ford sign is for an 'adopted' son (friend of my daughters who looks up to my wife and I). I got several .dwg versions of the logo from a friend, but I need to clean up the outside edge, or create an oval carve region, to eliminate some pockets that appeared on the carving. I will finish with English Oak stain and shellac.

The Serenity Prayer is for my wife, this was more a test of fonts, using the 90 deg bit and selecting outside instead of raster. The wood was some maple wainscoting I got from a friend and sanded the groves out.

Right now I have another carving, for a very good friend at work, who supplies me with most of his 'scrap' wood that I get to carve.

11-15-2007, 07:25 PM
Every project is a learning experience.

Good Job,


Jon Jantz
11-16-2007, 01:25 PM
Nice projects!

If you want another Ford logo to play around with, I did one a while back and have it on the 'Free Stuff' page....


11-18-2007, 12:28 PM
Posting the .mpc file for the nails and cross carving. This was requested in a pm.