View Full Version : Pattern Making 101

08-06-2007, 10:07 PM
Thought I'd post this here instead of the pattern sharing depot.

Question, how are some of these elaborate patterns being developed? Some of these are very detailed and I would think are beyond what you can do freehand in Designer....

Even though there seem to be tons people are sharing which is wonderful, are there commercial packages you can purchase somewhere online? Is there a specific computer application that people are making them?

Did a search on pattern making and checked designer, couldn't find anything relevant.

I'd like to find some simple patterns to use like a soccer ball, baseball, football...Suggestions/Recommendations?

Ted Grinnell
08-06-2007, 10:32 PM
There are many places selling patterns on the internet. A lot of people design there own using Corel, Adobe, and many other programs that allow you to shade. The pictures that you import into designer use shades of grey from black to white to establish depth of cut.

There are several sites that will help you if you want to learn how to shade Clip Art or you own creations. Jon has some vidios on allcw.com that might help with Corel, it did me.

If you want to create your own reliefs from something that you have around the house, you may be interested in getting a probe from carvewright or sears to use on your machine to make your own.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask on the forum or PM me. I'll be more than happy to steer you in one direction or the other. The people in this forum have helped me a lot and I'm sure that they will you as well.

08-06-2007, 11:32 PM
The people in this forum have helped me a lot and I'm sure that they will you as well.

Thanks again Ted. Yes, I have received much help from many different people. I learn something new every time I visit. I appreciate your input and have checked out his site at allcw.com. I'm going back now. Thanks again.

william feador
08-07-2007, 11:10 AM
I have found that if you have a printmaster program you can download almost every pattern. Just right click on the picture you selected, then click on save to, and I then save it in my pictures which saves it as jpeg. then in your carvewright program go to file then import image, then from file and pull my pictures. You can also go on the internet and go to any web about your project and right click any picture and do the same as above. You have to be careful about the quality of the picture on the net though, sometimes it will be on an angle or faded to keep you from getting a picture. I have made pow/mia plaques, animals, awards plaques etc. You can even scan pictures or objects on your scanner. My favorites program has hudreds of projects.

08-07-2007, 11:27 AM

You don't need a specific program to do the right click on a screen image to get a replica of it in JPEG format. BUT, remember that that image is not only the size you see it on screen (in pixels) but that's also it's resolution (usually 72ppi or greatest being 96ppi) and normally far smaller than one would like to use to carve. If you enlarge that image in even the most sophisticated raster image program (Adobe PhotoShop or Corel's PhotoPaint) you'll ether have to RESAMPLE to a higher resolution (and thus lose much of the original detail) or you'll ret a lousy carve; the larger the size enlargement the more lose of quality in either case.

Bob Hill
Tampa Florida

08-07-2007, 12:40 PM
Just right click on the picture you selected, then click on save to, and I then save it in my pictures which saves it as jpeg.


Yes, I know about right click and save, then importing. I have tried that but like Bob mentioned, sometimes the quality is very poor. I think you may have to resize the original file to get it right in designer.