View Full Version : Too much detail in jpg file???

05-19-2007, 11:33 AM
Hi all, I'm proud to say I've joined the ownership club of CW/CC!!!

I am having beautiful results with the carving of all sorts of lettering, but I'm really struggling with imported jpg files.

It seem as if there is too much detail and the carver is working in such fine detail, that it is blowing out the fine lines. I've tried only pine and poplar at this point, if that matters.

Should I be looking for something more like clip art? [I hope not :-( ]

The pictures are coming out looking horrible, while appearing somewhat ok on the software.

My primary software for photo editing is Adobe Photosho CS. I then drop into the carvewright software.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Rob [dragon]

05-19-2007, 01:00 PM
Rob, you should avoid jpgs like the plauge when it comes to the CW. The jpg compression is lossey and results in lots of extranious specs that, while looking fine to the eye, do not carve well. If you are creating artowwork saving it as a png or gif would be better. If you are trying to carve photographs you will get very mixed results without A LOT of work. The CW uses the level of grey as depth info so photos do not come out well. Do a quick forum search on this subject and you will find a LOT more information.