View Full Version : Material and Method

05-02-2020, 09:00 PM
I purchased a used router table, and am unable to find the proper rings for it. I only have the one that was on it (pictured).

I am hoping I can make new rings with my Carvewright. For material, I’m thinking UHMW Polyethylene. Is my Carvewright suitable for cutting it?

Any advice such as tool type, and method for carving this material would be appreciated.



05-02-2020, 10:24 PM
I have cutout many such parts out of cast acrylic and some of UHMW. I suggest you use a short shank, two flute bit like in the link.


05-03-2020, 03:27 AM
bergerud (https://forum.carvewright.com/member.php?5859-bergerud) Thank you for the quick reply. I ordered that bit. Looking forward to my first attempt at carving UHMW Polyethylene.

05-03-2020, 11:04 PM
My suggestion is to use a carrier board. And double stick tape the material down. Make your vector lines and assign the 1/4 inch round nose bit. Actually load the 1/8 inch or the bit posted above. This lies to the machine and it will keep the feed rate in 1st gear. If you did a Cut Path it uses 2 feed speeds, the slowest on corners. My experience with 2nd gear is that it is too fast for plastic. I cut FRP Plastic tags but I use a 1/16th Circuit Board end mill bit.

05-04-2020, 09:51 PM
My suggestion is to use a carrier board. And double stick tape the material down. Make your vector lines and assign the 1/4 inch round nose bit. Actually load the 1/8 inch or the bit posted above. This lies to the machine and it will keep the feed rate in 1st gear. If you did a Cut Path it uses 2 feed speeds, the slowest on corners. My experience with 2nd gear is that it is too fast for plastic. I cut FRP Plastic tags but I use a 1/16th Circuit Board end mill bit.

Thank you for the advice about controlling feed rate.