View Full Version : unwanted Floor Feather

04-05-2020, 04:01 PM
I recently got around to installing 1.187 to replace 1.186. I found that “floor feather” had been added and I can find no way to “un-check it” as is available in 2.xxx and 3.xxx. This causes problems for some of my projects in the Pattern Store. If a rectangular shaped area pattern is snapped to the grid and a rectangular area is snapped adjacent to it, a groove appears between them. In Pro you simply un-check floor feather and the two areas meet nicely. There is no such option in 1.188. A large problem. I have been doing this since almost the beginning (Dec. of ’07) and have designed and carved quite a few projects. Like “Cut Board Too Size” in the firmware, I see no practical need for “Floor Feather”. I am sure someone will educate me on this, but the problem in 1.188 still exists and should be rectified.

04-05-2020, 07:09 PM
Can you show an example or a sample project that shows this please?

04-06-2020, 02:20 PM
bit optimization fixed the problem - so in the immoral word of Gilder Radner (SNL many years ago) "never mind"

04-06-2020, 02:23 PM
But why did it start showing up in my projects that have been in the store for years? Maybe the last item in the change log for 1.186 to 1.187?