View Full Version : Head Pressure HIGH!!!

11-26-2016, 03:47 PM
I purchased a used machine (CX) a while back, and it's been an adventure getting it ready to use, I can't advise how many hours are on it as I haven't turned it on yet....

In cleaning and doing the basic maintenance I found the head pressure to be extremely high, 120 plus lbs. I took the handle off a few times and squirted tons of lithium grease in and it is a bit better sometimes and back to being real high again.

The clutch doesn't click every time and of course that's when the pressure if off the charts.

I'd call carvewright but as usual I'm messing with it outside of office hours.....

I'm going to keep trying to lube the clutch plate as that seems the most likely culprit (most of the other parts of the machine were dry and needed lube including the flex shaft). just posting to see if anyone has any thoughts/suggestions etc.

Even though I've had a CW for a long time I'm not really that experienced of a user.


11-26-2016, 05:07 PM
Remove the crank handle and you should have several thin washers on the shaft that goes into the machine. Try removing some of them to see if the head pressure will come down.

11-26-2016, 09:13 PM
I will give it a whirl, thanks!!

12-05-2016, 08:46 PM
After trying almost everything it was Lateral Stabilizer just got it installed today and gonna try to carve something tomorrow!