View Full Version : Scanned Sun & Moon Thermometer

03-21-2007, 06:10 PM
CW probe hard at work, Make adjustments in H/D as required... Let me know how this file carves, Enjoy!!!

03-22-2007, 02:08 AM
Thank you so much for the lovely pattern. I will carve it tomorrow and I'll send you a pic when I get it done. Whoops, I hope I can learn how to forward pictures.

03-22-2007, 04:07 PM
I Carved this project out of 3/4 in. pine to see what it would do.Looks like it just needs a thicker piece of wood.The suns rays and a few other spots are just too thin around the edges.Some of the rays just broke off.Otherwise I would do this one again it looks great. Thanks

03-22-2007, 05:08 PM
Be careful carving Sun-Moon file as provided. It is set to a carve depth of 1.125" deep on a .75" board. It may not cut into the machine but according to the software it would if it didn't have some hardware safetys in place. Another problem is that it will most likely cut through the board all around the pattern which will give the possibility of breaking a bit and damaging the machine. Try backing up the depth to .7" (less than the board thickness). You will have to manually cut it out because for some reason the outline function doesn't create an outline that is one continuous line so you are unable to use the cut path function to cut it out and leave the tabs that are necessary to protect the machines on a cut out. Its a nice scan, but settings should be handled a little differently. By making it a shallower carve, you will also see the thin areas carve at a thickness that won't break off as easily. Just some suggestions


03-31-2007, 07:36 AM
Can you tell me where you can purchase the actual thermometer to place inside this design?