View Full Version : Looking for a 2 level text

06-30-2016, 04:45 PM
Is there a font that would be like many college logo text that is stair stepped , if that what you call it,
We have A few high schools that I am working to create some logo yard signs.
this way I could paint their school colors on the text.
any help would great.
perry B.

06-30-2016, 05:10 PM
Like this?

I placed the Text, then did Outline Pattern. On each letter, I selected Copy Offset (2d Vector Drawing Suite tool) and changed the distance to .25. Then, I gave the path a Carve Region and changed the depth to .125.

Not sure if this is what you wanted, but may can use same technique to create it.



06-30-2016, 09:34 PM
Nice. Super cool technique.

07-01-2016, 09:34 AM
Ok where we go, I played with the text this morning and I came out really well, I change some figures and put draft on the text and the region.
the second text was the text on an arc software , it placed it better, but will not allow you to edit each letter.
The second attachment is my first attempt at the yard or house plaque . so far it looks pretty good.
The next step is to gather up some high school sports figures. the only one I have, and I'm not sure where I picked this one up, is the ball player.
If you recognize it, let me know. I will, for now need football, track, basketball , tennis, soccer, golf. this mushroom into quite a bit of ptns.so look into your ptns supply and drop me line and we can work from there.

07-02-2016, 03:37 PM
You are good Connie!

07-02-2016, 03:47 PM
Yes she is very good, all the years I have been doing the carvings I always wonder how to do a stair step lettering.
and it is so simple. I am going to test carve just the lettering and make adjustments from there.