View Full Version : Call for Speakers / Workshop Request

02-12-2016, 01:16 PM
We are looking for speakers / presenters for our third annual CW Conference.

Please fill our our form HERE (http://www.carvewright.com/carvewright-conference/) or send information to marketing@carvewright.com
Subject line for email: 2016 Call for Speakers

If you would like to be a speaker, please send us the following information:

Short Bio of yourself
Topic of your Workshop - bullet point and/or short description
Photos of your work

If you know someone you would like to suggest, please send us the following:

Presenter's name
Short description of why you think they would make a great presenter

If you have a workshop topic request, please make it on this post.

Thanks for helping us make this a great learning experience!

02-17-2016, 10:05 AM
Hi Connie,

Larry Quisenberry expressed interest in giving a short presentation about re-purposing found material and locating inexpensive (or free) wood and other material for machining with the CarveWright. He has a lot of suggestions for keeping material costs low!