View Full Version : Pattern question

04-04-2015, 02:24 PM
I am looking to buy the Christmas candle Centerpiece SKU 0013-03-0009000 I will be using it for a gift only, not for sale. I tried to email Carve Buddy but the email address is not a good one. Can anyone tell me if, if I buy this can I modify it and if so how? I want to remove the candle cut outs and add something else in that area. perhaps like a chipmunk or something. First is it legal and second I'm new to this and have no idea how to go about it. any ideas would be a big help. Thank you.

04-04-2015, 02:57 PM
Wozz, you cannot modify any of the patterns you buy at the CW store since they are all protected and I don't think Michael Tyler (I think he's Carvebuddy) would want to change it for you either. Can you imagine all the requests he would get if he started doing modifications?

04-04-2015, 03:07 PM
Hi Wozz,

Suzanne is correct. The projects are not modified by me after they have been submitted to the CarveWright Store. However, you can modify any project you wish as far as the layout, placing zero carve regions for places to be left uncarved and/or place another ptn, etc. (as Suzanne mentioned, you can't actually modify a ptn within the project due to the embedded copy-protection encoding).

The question I have is about my CarveBuddy email address...did you get some kind of error message or something? It should be working alright. Please let me know what problem you encountered.

04-04-2015, 03:25 PM
I went right to Carve Buddy under contact us and sent an email
. I received a not deliverable message back. "contact@carvebuddy.com"75377

04-04-2015, 03:29 PM
I think placing zero carve regions would help. Could you explain how to do that or where i could go to find out?
Thank you