View Full Version : scaling problem

Elmo Sr
03-17-2015, 07:56 AM
I am trying to make a sign that i have made before. When I try to
upload I git a warning that it can't be scaled and that option will be
turned off on machine. I try and run it and machine want let me, board is
large enough but it keeps telling me put new board in. I have even deleted
and started fresh a couple times.

someone please help

It is driving me to drink--lol

03-17-2015, 08:30 AM
Is it a stay under the roller problem? Is the real board 7 in longer than the Designer board? I has to be if you answer yes to stay under the rollers. (The board cannot be scaled message only means that there are vectors in the project that the software will not scale.)

Elmo Sr
03-17-2015, 08:51 AM
Is it a stay under the roller problem? Is the real board 7 in longer than the Designer board? I has to be if you answer yes to stay under the rollers. (The board cannot be scaled message only means that there are vectors in the project that the software will not scale.)

thanks the board is plenty long ,i have carved this before or something very similar

03-17-2015, 09:11 AM
How long is the board in Designer? Designer considers the pattern size to be the board size. If it worked before and does not work now, there must be something different.

If the Designer board is smaller than the real board and you answered no to stay under the rollers, well, I something else is wrong. Did you say no to stay under the rollers?

03-17-2015, 10:02 AM
I am trying to make a sign that i have made before. When I try to
upload I git a warning that it can't be scaled and that option will be
turned off on machine. I try and run it and machine want let me, board is
large enough but it keeps telling me put new board in. I have even deleted
and started fresh a couple times.

someone please help

It is driving me to drink--lol

You are probably using a feature in the Designer that cannot be scaled such as Centerline. As long as the actual board is larger than the board in the Designer and you answer "NO" to the "stay under rollers" prompt you can safely ignore the message. It just means that you will not be able to scale the project at runtime.

03-17-2015, 10:45 AM
Also check the width of the board versus your design.

Elmo Sr
03-17-2015, 11:47 AM
How long is the board in Designer? Designer considers the pattern size to be the board size. If it worked before and does not work now, there must be something different.

If the Designer board is smaller than the real board and you answered no to stay under the rollers, well, I something else is wrong. Did you say no to stay under the rollers?

I made the board 8'' longer than board and 2'' wider than designer board size,, when I upload it tells me ''this project uses features that can not be scaled. Scaling by the Carvewright machine will be disabled." I upload and when I start machine it will not take upload.

03-17-2015, 12:25 PM
I made the board 8'' longer than board and 2'' wider than designer board size,, when I upload it tells me ''this project uses features that can not be scaled. Scaling by the Carvewright machine will be disabled." I upload and when I start machine it will not take upload.

The scaling message on the upload is because you probably have a conforming vectors carve in your design. It is a normal message when ever conforming vectors is in a design.

At the machine does it give you any messages saying it will not load or does the machine just sit there waiting for the project to be loaded into the machine computer? I have seen on some complex designs it does take the machine a while to load the project.

Elmo Sr
03-17-2015, 12:29 PM
The scaling message on the upload is because you probably have a conforming vectors carve in your design. It is a normal message when ever conforming vectors is in a design.

At the machine does it give you any messages saying it will not load or does the machine just sit there waiting for the project to be loaded into the machine computer? I have seen on some complex designs it does take the machine a while to load the project.

will not load says put new board in it just stops waiting for me and i did put in another board the reason i made to board 8'' longer rather than 7''

03-17-2015, 12:32 PM
Use the machine to simply measure the board and see if the machine measures the board to be as large as it is.

03-17-2015, 12:34 PM
will not load says put new board in it just stops waiting for me and i did put in another board the reason i made to board 8'' longer rather than 7''

Hi Lonnie,

Are you getting any prompt for scaling? If so, select "Keep original Size".

Also, when you squish the rollers up manually, are you hearing a clicking sound? (Trying to make sure you don't have a stuck roller, although I would expect you would have gotten an error message). If you don't hear clicking noises, then you have a stuck roller and the machine will continually prompt you to load a board until the roller(s) switch is fixed.

Another question...does the machine go through the measurement process alright?

Elmo Sr
03-17-2015, 12:51 PM
well Mr. Genius here with the help of you guys and Michael my board was 1/16'' too short now it are working, I want to say thanks and appreciate all the help I truly enjoy the interaction and helpfulness.

until next time have fun

03-17-2015, 12:51 PM
UPDATE: I called Lonnie (he lives about 15 minutes from me). The roller switches were fine. He double-checked the board length and it was too short by 0.125". He needed at least 18" length if he selected the option to Stay Under Rollers (which he was doing). He had not had a chance to try selecting "no" to stay under rollers, and that would have got him going alright.

(Oh, FYI - he had Centerline Text on the board, so that was the reason for the "no scaling" message.)

Anyway, he decided to cut a new board length slightly over the 18" length, and he is running the project right now with no problems thus far. I told him to "holler" if he runs into any more problems.

NOTE: I see Lonnie and I were posting at the same time!

03-17-2015, 01:08 PM
You are lucky to have some one close I wish I did it would of saved Dan from answering alot of dumb questions... lol

03-17-2015, 03:11 PM
UPDATE: I called Lonnie (he lives about 15 minutes from me). The roller switches were fine. He double-checked the board length and it was too short by 0.125". He needed at least 18" length if he selected the option to Stay Under Rollers (which he was doing). He had not had a chance to try selecting "no" to stay under rollers, and that would have got him going alright.

(Oh, FYI - he had Centerline Text on the board, so that was the reason for the "no scaling" message.)

Anyway, he decided to cut a new board length slightly over the 18" length, and he is running the project right now with no problems thus far. I told him to "holler" if he runs into any more problems.

NOTE: I see Lonnie and I were posting at the same time!

I think I said the same thing 5 hours ago.

03-17-2015, 03:48 PM
It is my fault. I posted first. I should have made him explain exactly what he did. That way the answer would have been more obvious. As it turned out, we all start explaining and guessing and the next thing we have is a mess of information in which the answer appears many times but is really lost.

03-17-2015, 04:31 PM
I think I said the same thing 5 hours ago.

I know...but Lonnie really thought he had the correct length board and didn't try the "no" choice for staying under rollers (which would have worked fine since he was so close to the needed board length). He had emailed me earlier this morning and I responded with all the same 'questions and suggestions' posted in this thread. He was out in the shop most of the day and had not checked his email before posting to the forum.

Thankfully, all is well now and lessons were learned.

As is most cases, pilot error was the culprit.

Elmo Sr
03-17-2015, 09:03 PM
I know...but Lonnie really thought he had the correct length board and didn't try the "no" choice for staying under rollers (which would have worked fine since he was so close to the needed board length). He had emailed me earlier this morning and I responded with all the same 'questions and suggestions' posted in this thread. He was out in the shop most of the day and had not checked his email before posting to the forum.

Thankfully, all is well now and lessons were learned.

As is most cases, pilot error was the culprit.

OK now that we have discovered ''pilot error'' (thank God I wasnt flying an airplane) thanks guys. I ran the new board 1/16'' longer and all is well it came out nice.

so a great big thank you to all who helped an old man. and yes Steve I saw your post but was sure I could read a tape measure,,lol. anyhow I do appreciate all the help, and yes I am very thankful and happy that Michael close and a friend.

03-17-2015, 09:31 PM

Save this one to the memory banks for future reference for when you get the scale or load new board message again.

Also be thinking about how you answer the stay under rollers message as well. Saying yes will add 7" to your design size board and if your carving board is not at the total length or if the machine sees it a bit short your stuck. If you are going to use this option think about cutting the board on the other side of the line (outside this time :) ) to keep it just a bit over the added 7".

If you say no to staying under the rollers and you set your design size with the added 7" you will still need your board a bit over in length to insure the machine sees it as long enough. Or if you set your design size as your finished project size and always put in a board at least 7" longer than the design size the machine will only be looking for a board as big as your design. Once it sees your board is bigger than the design you will be asked how do you want to place your design on the board. Most will use center on board but other do use place on end, corner or jog. You might also get a prompt about selecting board or project, always select project.

PS, get a longer tape!! :) Happy Carving!

03-17-2015, 09:53 PM
so a great big thank you to all who helped an old man. and yes Steve I saw your post but was sure I could read a tape measure,,lol. anyhow I do appreciate all the help, and yes I am very thankful and happy that Michael close and a friend.

Thanks, Lonnie! We all help each other, don't we?

It's great to have you as a friend, too. Here's some photos of the Art Sale you and Connie did on St Simon's Island. You do wonderful work. It was great to visit with you there!

Also, a photo of you in my driveway just before unloading the hardwood we picked up together in Savannah. Thank you so much for carting me around and helping me find that wonderful source for hardwoods!

Elmo Sr
03-18-2015, 11:26 AM
Thanks, Lonnie! We all help each other, don't we?

It's great to have you as a friend, too. Here's some photos of the Art Sale you and Connie did on St Simon's Island. You do wonderful work. It was great to visit with you there!

Also, a photo of you in my driveway just before unloading the hardwood we picked up together in Savannah. Thank you so much for carting me around and helping me find that wonderful source for hardwoods!

Thanks Michael, how much of that wood do you have left? I need to make another run next week are you ready?

03-18-2015, 11:53 AM
I don't need any more at the moment, but thanks for the invitation!

CNC Carver
03-18-2015, 11:56 AM
Wish your secret spot was closer to me! Hope you continue on having good luck finding good wood. You make wonderful projects!

03-19-2015, 07:39 PM
I had exactly the same problem with that msg. It is solved by unchecking the Conform box, unless you are actually carving text into a carved region. If you are, ignore the msg. I do not like the scaling anyway but had several carvings that had carved regions with the box checked. I went to each design and unchecked it and it carved just fine either way.