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View Full Version : Rendering issue:

11-16-2014, 02:01 PM
Not sure if this is the correct location or not. Maybe one of the guru's can help explain what I'm seeing.
Whenever I change the bit optimazation (spelling error) feature... my image goes from excellent to good in a split second.
Is there anyway to capture the excellent image without it changing back to the good carving image.

I know this is hard to comprehend what I'm saying, but on my computer.. maybe an older clone or maybe
that I'm using 1.187.. I don't know.

I could send you a pic, but it only saves as the good image... I use the good image on all my litho's, but
was wondering if I could carve the excellent image and obtain greater detail... Is this even possible. Or
am I just seeing things... a part of getting older I guess. lol

11-16-2014, 02:21 PM
You are just seeing things!!

Seriously, I think the flash of the clear image is actually the original real image. The software quickly calculates a WYSIWYG image that the machine can actually carve and displays that. The real image is too high a resolution for the 1/16" ball to follow so the machine shows you what the 1/16" ball will create.

11-16-2014, 03:38 PM
I see that on my screen also so you are not just seeing things, I often think to myself if only that could be my final outcome.

11-16-2014, 05:43 PM
Not sure if this is the correct location or not. Maybe one of the guru's can help explain what I'm seeing.
Whenever I change the bit optimazation (spelling error) feature... my image goes from excellent to good in a split second.
Is there anyway to capture the excellent image without it changing back to the good carving image.

I know this is hard to comprehend what I'm saying, but on my computer.. maybe an older clone or maybe
that I'm using 1.187.. I don't know.

I could send you a pic, but it only saves as the good image... I use the good image on all my litho's, but
was wondering if I could carve the excellent image and obtain greater detail... Is this even possible. Or
am I just seeing things... a part of getting older I guess. lol

Hi, I use the CW Version 1.187 - I find that happens when I use images that have low Pixels at 72 Dots-per-Inch or less. The pixel size are large squares. I like to change the image to 300 dots per inch or change the image to a Vector Format. PTN files are a Raster image. The CW Unit saves the images; even when you use the Scanner to a 72 DPI image. I use the Pattern Editor and change the images to 300DPI with a Photoshop type program.