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View Full Version : On a positive note.

10-17-2014, 02:26 PM
I do a lot of expressing my concerns on this forum (complaining). so for my five hundredth post I thought I would make it a positive note.

I love my Carvewright machine and kudos to LHR for making it.

I love this forum and I learned everything I know about the machine right here. I don't think I have ever even read the manual that came with the machine as I scoured this forum for months before I bought my first used machine. I now own 3.

I love the members of this forum for their unselfish sharing and help they have given to me and hundreds of others. Thank you to all of you present members and those who are carving in the after life. (god I hope there are tools in the afterlife.)

10-17-2014, 02:53 PM

Happy 500! Your half way to the senior section now! Great comments are priceless :) ;) !

10-17-2014, 03:35 PM

Happy 500! Your half way to the senior section now! Great comments are priceless :) ;) !

Thanks FW It only took me two full years! So two years from now I just might be a senior, a lot shorter time than it took me in real life, LOL.