View Full Version : Connect mirrored figure

09-22-2014, 05:04 PM
Is there a way to combine two halves of a mirrored figure within CarveWrite designer so it becomes a single outlined figure?

Example would be - I center the Grid, make snap objects to the grid then draw half of the element (e.g. a desk-clock) making sure it starts and finishes in the mid-line.

I then mirror the half and it becomes a well-designed form.

I want to combine these so that I could do a cut-through.

Tried to interconnect the connecting middle dots but it does not seem to combine the two objects into one. Unless I am missing something or it is not possible.

Thank you.

09-22-2014, 05:43 PM
You cannot join a mirrored vector. Copy the original half and paste it back in then flip horizontally or vertically. You can then join the two halves.

09-25-2014, 10:34 AM
Thank you.
That resolves it.