View Full Version : Using Tabs in ver 2.007

06-15-2014, 10:55 AM
Has anyone else noticed that using tabs with 2.007 causes patterns to be distorted? When I use tabs with pierced carvings, pattern edges are thickened and sharp features are blurred and rounded. This happens in both the designer view and on the actual carving. You can sharpen the view by hiding the tabs, but that's obviously not an option for the carving.

I've gone back to ver 2.005. The problem doesn't occur there.

06-15-2014, 11:15 AM
Can you post and example or picture of the difference? I think the tabs were changed between 2.005 and 2.006 to automatically have bit optimization applied to them (so they would not get carved away as in some situations). If this causes other problems, I would like to know. I played a little and do not see a difference except the tabs seem bigger.

06-15-2014, 12:30 PM
700727007170073Thanks for the reply, Bergerud.

Here are pictures of the front face of a two-sided carving with the problem. "Tabs Hidden" is how it should look and carve. The other two show how it is affected if the tabs are visible. The tilted one gives you a little better view of the "fences" added to edges. Note how the sharp angles in "Tabs Hidden" are blurred in the other two.

I suppose I could use some rectangles and manually construct the tabs, but, for now anyway, I'll probablly just stick with 2.005.

06-15-2014, 01:23 PM
Has anyone else noticed that using tabs with 2.007 causes patterns to be distorted? When I use tabs with pierced carvings, pattern edges are thickened and sharp features are blurred and rounded. This happens in both the designer view and on the actual carving. You can sharpen the view by hiding the tabs, but that's obviously not an option for the carving.

I've gone back to ver 2.005. The problem doesn't occur there.

Funny you should ask. I just had that same problem a few minutes ago trying to make a name sign for a user in another thread. I have also had problems with the tabs in the cut path tool. They aren't the size that is stated and often break even with the max size setting. Especially on soft wood.

06-15-2014, 01:59 PM
I was able to reproduce the effect with simple circles. I will report it as a bug.

07-03-2014, 10:25 AM
I was able to reproduce the effect with simple circles. I will report it as a bug.

Thanks for letting the LFR gurus know about this. I think it's fixed in ver. 3.000. (I downloaded a trial, and the tabbed stuff looked OK in the display.) We appreciate all the effort you put into helping us!