View Full Version : I have made the painful decision to put her down...

princess sawdust
02-23-2007, 05:02 PM
With much sadness...I will be bidding a fond adeu to my compucarve today...we have been through much together, unfortunately just not much carving. New z-motors, bits plunging into the metal underneath, defunct bit plates, errors, errors, sensor problems, did I mention errors?

I bought the only model our local Sears ever had and they have not restocked since so I am assuming I got a very early model.

I am hoping that in 6 months the newer models will be less hands on.

I sincerely want to thank all of you who have been so patient with my issues and been so willing to share all that you know!

I will still be lurking around here and constantly learning, hopefully back in the saddle sooner than later.

The Princess

p.s. Sears told me I would not be charged the 15% restocking fee if it was "defective"...wish me luck.

02-23-2007, 05:09 PM
Good luck. I just got my unit after it seemed that the newer ones coming in were having fewer problems. With my first few hours on the clock, it's still working, so I also hope that I have better luck than you. It makes me sad to see you go.

03-01-2007, 12:40 AM
We must have the same carver. Only sears had a fit that i had called carvewright for help. The lady told me that i had void the warranty by not going to them. Well we see what help i can get from the local media (TV) I have no problem with support from carvewright, they tried but the lemon juice is still dripping. Sears sucks!