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View Full Version : Picture distorting in Designer

04-04-2014, 02:35 AM
I've done numerous successful lithos, but for some reason I'm having a terrible time with my daughter's wedding photos.

I spoke with the photographer (the new son-in-law's dad) and he said the camera produces pics in RAW format and he converts them to JPEG.

I've tried using the JPEG and I've also converted them to PNG and tried that way, same effect. I've brought them in as 10mb pics and then again at 187kb and several sizes between with no difference noticed.

The pics look great, but when I bring them into Designer 2.004 or .005 either one, and zoom in, my daughter looks like a chipmunk! Depending on the pic, the distortion goes away if you blow it up to between 18 and 24 inches long, but who the heck wants to make a litho That big???

I didn't notice this until I'd carved the first 5x7 and it came out horrible!

I'm attaching one of the pics I've been using, in case someone wants to download it and put it into Designer and see what I mean.


What the heck? Any ideas?

Any help would be appreciated! Thx, Lee

04-04-2014, 04:22 AM
Just tried it in Designer 2.005 and this is what I got , seems OK to me.

04-04-2014, 08:55 AM
Make sure that before you bring it onto your virtual board that you don't have the box checked to scale to fit board (right below your pattern list).....

Then, when re-sizing the pic to fit the board, grab a corner and drag diagonally, don't grab an edge.

04-04-2014, 10:05 AM
Naw, Dale, same problem, look at her teeth I can see it now, but if you zoom in you'll see what I mean)...and when I carved it that became even more obvious!

Jerry, since my target is a 5x7 piece of dorian, I resize by typing 6.5 into the length so I get a 1/4" border...never tried it any other way, bu t I'll look at what you suggest and let you know.

Thx, Lee

04-04-2014, 10:15 AM

Please post your actual MPC file!

04-04-2014, 10:17 AM
Narrow the gap between white and black on import image. What depth is it? The default .25?

See Lithophane Carving 101 under Tips & Tricks.

04-04-2014, 04:12 PM
I tried to attach the .mpc, Michael, but it tells me it's too large (4mb-ish). Will that decrease if I use a smaller picture maybe?

Connie, I use standard settings for lithos of Depth 0.180 and Height 450...explain narrowing the gap please?

04-06-2014, 09:25 PM
Alright dangit, how do I upload an MPC when the file uploader only allows picture files?

I got the MPC down to 1.5mb, which should meet the upload limit, but it won't go because it isn't a jpg or png...

Is there a different file uploader?

04-06-2014, 09:29 PM
Did you go to Go Advanced - Manage Attachments?

04-07-2014, 08:42 AM
So I figured maybe, if I scanned the photo in question, I would alleviate the problem I Think was caused by the original being in RAW format, but nothin doin! Still the same problem of distortion, particularly around my daughter's eyes/nose/mouth.

And thanks for the uploading too, Bergerud!

04-07-2014, 09:24 AM
Changing the bit optimization makes quite a bit of difference in that area.
You might try it in "best" to see if it works better.

04-07-2014, 09:26 AM
You can improve the photo carve a tremendous amount by selecting Bit Optimization: BEST. (select the photo on your board, right-click the mouse, select Bit Optimization and choose BEST). See if that does the trick for you.

04-07-2014, 09:32 AM
Ha! Ken beat me to it. Right-o, Ken. Bit Optimization is the key here for the best result.

04-08-2014, 10:39 PM
Ken/Michael, changing the bit optimization definitely had an effect, but its still distorted and a bit spooky on my computer...Michael, I notice that it does not appear distorted at all on the screenshot you uploaded. Are you changing anything else? Lemme know please! Thx, Lee

04-08-2014, 10:52 PM
Ken/Michael, changing the bit optimization definitely had an effect, but its still distorted and a bit spooky on my computer...Michael, I notice that it does not appear distorted at all on the screenshot you uploaded. Are you changing anything else? Lemme know please! Thx, Lee

I did enlarge the photo for clarity of the screenshot. Other than that, no changes were made. Perhaps if you enlarged the photo, it might carve better. Give it a shot and please let us know how you make out.

04-19-2014, 11:09 PM
Worked fine, thanks guys!

It still isn't a clear as the pics from the lesser cameras, but much better than what I was coming up with!

Thx, Lee
aka KiltedGunn