View Full Version : Call for Speakers & Workshop Topic Requests

03-13-2014, 01:01 PM
We are looking for speakers / presenters for our third annual CW Conference.

Please send information to marketing@carvewright.com
Subject line for email: 2013 Call for Speakers

If you would like to be a speaker, please send us the following information:

Short Bio of yourself
Topic of your Workshop - bullet point and/or short description
Photos of your work

If you know someone you would like to suggest, please send us the following:

Presenter's name
Short description of why you think they would make a great presenter

If you have a workshop topic request, please make it on this post.

Thanks for helping us make this a great learning experience!

03-13-2014, 01:04 PM
If you need someone to demo how to screw up a project, I'm your man!

03-13-2014, 01:33 PM
If you need someone to demo how to screw up a project, I'm your man!

LOL. I think any of us can do that!

03-13-2014, 03:54 PM
I would like to see a workshop on finishing and painting signs, with information on the best wood, painting techniques, and final coat, as well as design techniques, color choices etc.

03-13-2014, 04:06 PM
We are having two ladies from Lollie & GiGi's that will be introducing us to some great new finishing products & techniques by Amy Howard at Home.

03-14-2014, 09:44 AM
I don't think I am the only person who wonders what the CW is doing when you are starting up a project. I would like it if someone would go through the setup sequence and explain the machine actions. By that I mean, I know it checks the board dimensions, and the depth of each bit it will use, but there are a number of little jigs and jags that the chuck does that don't seem to be of any purpose. On top of that, at least my machine makes a number of different buzzing and mechanical sounds that I can't identify or understand the why of them.

Second, and this one was actually covered at the last conference I attended in 2012, is the reasoning and maybe even a flow diagram for choosing between "Center on Board", "Jog to Position", or " Place on Corner". Also show what happens with real projects when you choose "Autojig" vs. "Manual Jig", and show examples of what "Keep Original Size" vs. "Scale to size" does. It's written out in the manual but some actual examples of what happens, maybe even some egregious examples to demonstrate what these options do and why you would choose them.

Lastly, how about some lessons on how to convert a 2D jpeg or png line drawing in to a vector design. AND how to rotate a vector drawing! I'm still waiting for that feature in Designer.


03-14-2014, 05:43 PM
explain the machine actions

Without going into too much detail, I will explain some...

Z hitting the top or Y hitting the keypad side finds the machine edges. Fast, then slow in case we slipped a tooth. This occurs a few times during project setup.

Measuring edges:
Quick, then slow back & forth movement on the Y truck. The board sensor tells us when we're on and off the board, moving slower gives us more accuracy. Most of the time we find the edge from off-the-board to on-the-board.

Measuring surfaces:
Usually begins with an "air" pass next to the board. This measures relative power needed to move the head along the rail. Now when a surface is touched (the mechanical plate, the board surface, the sliding plate), we know just how much power we need to catch a stall without jamming the bit into metal/wood. Surfaces are touched multiple times to ensure accuracy, generally 2-3 times.

Backlash measurement:
Short forward/backward motions, 4 at a time, possibly run twice. This measures the backlash, or the movement required before the drive motor engages the gears in the opposite direction.

Usually a 1" motion on X in one direction, then reversed 1" the other. This loads the gears with resistance in the direction we will move the board as we carve.

Other movements may be a result of the truck not being in the right place at the right time.

A PID (proportional-integral-derivative) is a software algorithm to determine the direction and amount of power to apply to a motor to make it move to a certain location. All PIDs need to be tuned to the system its running on, hardware and software. The "buzzing" you hear on occasion is the PID trying to move the motor to a specific point, but missing that point by a little. The software reacts by reversing the direction, only to miss the point again. It does this very quickly, making a buzzing sound. Its quite common, and does not indicate any possible problem.
p.s. There's a hidden debug feature in CW machines where we generate specific tones from the motors, playing a song.

--Get a piece of paper and a post-it. The piece of paper is your board. The post-it is the project you made in Designer. Move the post-it around the board.
* Center on board: the post-it is in the middle of the paper, top-to-bottom, left-to-right.
* Jog to corner: On Designer, that corner is the top-left. On the post-it, its the near-right as you look at the machine from the keypad side.
* Jog to center: The middle of the post-it is your jog point.
* Autojig: Draw a 1/2" line from the top and bottom of your piece of paper. Your post-it stays inside the lines.
* Manual jig: No real difference from "ignore". It's up to you to position the project.

Keep original Size: If your post-it is the size of your project, it will be the same size after the carving.
Scale to size: Stretch the post-it equally along length & width to fit inside the piece of paper.

03-14-2014, 06:06 PM
LOL...be careful what you ask for...

03-14-2014, 07:57 PM
Thanks Metallus that is great information.

03-15-2014, 11:25 AM
Wow! Thanks. Where did you find out that stuff? I'm going to have to study your message a piece at a time with the manual and the machine in front of me, but this is exactly what I was asking about. I may be weird but I have always liked to know the how and why of machines. That wasn't much of a problem when I was a kid and I took apart the toaster, but nowadays everything has electronics in it and those electrons do all sorts of magic inside the chips that you can't ascertain just by looking at them.


03-15-2014, 03:02 PM
I'd like to know how to work with and/or make a grayscale pattern that comes out with a decent carving pattern/mpc.

03-19-2014, 04:54 PM
... AND how to rotate a vector drawing! I'm still waiting for that feature in Designer.


I think we all are. If 2.0 had included that feature, that alone would have justified the upgrade for me.
