View Full Version : pattern height of 900 vs patern height of 100

11-01-2013, 04:13 PM
I just bought the Mayan Calendar pattern and am about to carve it. I noticed it has a depth of .250in and a height of 100. I plan on carving it large (about 24in round over two boards). I would like to know that if I increase the height to 500 would it be a nicer look? What does the height really do. I carved a picture at 900 once and it looked good. This is too big a carve to give it a test (26 hours on optimal 13 hours on best)

Anyone played with the height numbers before?

11-01-2013, 04:44 PM
It all depends on the pattern quality how well the height adjustment equates to the carve quality. Best bet is change the settings and view the results on the board by zooming in and rotating the board. Like they say "what you see is what you will get" when it is carved.

11-01-2013, 05:13 PM
Well I can't tell a difference on the computer and I have a 27in screen. I will put it at 400 and give it a try.

11-01-2013, 05:44 PM
I would first figure out what to make the height so that the scale is the same. If you double the size of a pattern, you would change the height to 200 to have the height scale the same. You can tweak it from there to make it look better.

11-01-2013, 05:47 PM

The depth of a pattern is how deep the bottom of the pattern is from the top of the board. The height of a pattern is from the bottom of the pattern to the top of the carving. For example, a pattern that is .250" deep on a 3/4" board means the bottom of the pattern is 1/4" from the top of the board leaving 1/2" of wood under the pattern. The height of the pattern is measured from the bottom of the pattern to the top of the carving. You can sometimes get more detail by raising the height if the top of the carving isn't already at the top of the board. Unless, of course, you have a board stretcher, LOL.

11-01-2013, 06:21 PM
This may help. It's my understanding of height v depth. There are pictures!!
