View Full Version : New Mac utitlity to help with bitmap carvings

02-15-2007, 01:33 AM

I'm using the Compucarve for doodling and mathematical renderings.

I found the round-trip time and effort between saving a bitmap file, importing it to the Carvewright software, and placing it, to be a bit steep, so I wrote a tool which automatically watches a file and redraws it, in 3d, when it changes.

Now I can edit in photoshop or other program, save it, and see immediately the 3d version of it! When it's looking good and ready, I import it to Carvewright.

I'm attaching a prerelease version of the software here. It's called ShowBoard (for now). It only reads a jpeg (or other image format) and displays it. It never writes a file, or accesses network stuff, &c.

So, I'm curious -- is this of use to anyone but me? (Mac only, I know, I know...) If it were an honor-payment system, would $25 be out of line?

At any rate, please enjoy this early version, bug reports and feature requests most welcome!

Thanks --> David

02-15-2007, 02:33 AM
Hi Polyomino.
Sounds brilliant to me, and even though I don't have a mac, being a crusty old geezer, and set in my windows' ways, I'm sure the mac fraternity will welcome it.
$25 for a viewer - I'm not sure, as I think it would be compared with the many freeware viewers that are out there, admittedly not 3D as far as I know, but I'd guess that's what you would be compared with.

Just my groat's worth.
PS I don't begrudge you any reward you can get for your work, and personally think that $25 is fine.

02-15-2007, 08:54 AM
Very cool!

02-15-2007, 02:30 PM
On the PC in Xara 3D. Here is how you can make a 3D on the PC. And actually that can be animated, but it won't go here as such :P

Bob Hill
Tampa Florida