View Full Version : 3D Corner Sweep - Possible bug

09-04-2013, 10:24 AM
I was following Ed's video on YouTube to make a Rosette: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdCUhda-5H8

Everything was going well until 1:21 where he goes and shows the grid on the bottom window where you draw the shape you want to use as a profile for the sweep on the square. At this point Designer hangs with a spinning wait cursor and really slows down the machine.

I've tried this on 2 separate machines, both Macs. I'm running the latest 1.187 build 10870.

Could someone with a Windows machine and the 3D suite verify that this happens also in Windows, and someone with a Mac see if they have this problem too.

I was wondering if the LHR software guys would like to chime in. Is there anything you would like me try?

Thank you.


09-04-2013, 11:43 AM
I think the problem is that the default snap grid for the cross section window is set to 0.00. Instead of using toggle grid lines, while the cross section window is open, use menu layout - snap and set the snap grid size first.

09-04-2013, 11:57 AM
I think the problem is that the default snap grid for the cross section window is set to 0.00. Instead of using toggle grid lines, while the cross section window is open, use menu layout - snap and set the snap grid size first.

Hey thanks, Bergerud. That is exactly what it is. I tried it and now it works fine, no hangs.

Perhaps the software should default to a more reasonable value than 0.00, something like .25, since many of us work with 3/4 inch boards.
