View Full Version : Badge Plaque

04-11-2013, 08:58 PM
I am making a badge shaped plaque for a federal agents retirement. I can't get the centerline text to show on the flat carved area. Any help on how to do it would be appreciated.


Rob Mulgrew
04-11-2013, 09:51 PM

You need click the conform box if you have it. This should be fine now.

04-11-2013, 10:28 PM
If you don't have conforming vectors then one option is to invert the badge pattern and put additive on the badge pattern, raise height to .999 and put depth at .100 on the badge pattern. Bold the centerline text and you will get the text to show. The depth on that font is not too deep however, You may want to play with other fonts. The badge depth may be unacceptable for your plaque with this method as well.

One other thing you can do is save the mpc to a card with out the text. Save the text to the card by itself. Carve the badge then without removing the board carve the text but when it goes to check the board thickness push the stop button and choose jog to touch. Jog to the area where the text is to go and it will use that area as the board thickness. Then continue and carve the text. This method will give you a better badge pattern and a better centerline text.

The third option is to buy conforming vectors from LHR if you do not have it.

04-11-2013, 11:27 PM
Great lesson. There are "tricks" to learn that can fool the machine into doing what you want. Or, there is the option of buying a "click".

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04-12-2013, 12:11 AM
Thank you to all that replied. I'm going to get the conforming vectors software to make life easier.
