View Full Version : cut paths

02-27-2013, 01:45 AM
I'm going crazy trying to get these cut paths, thought I learned something the other night with the toggle end points and it seems not to be working could someone tell me what exactly the colored dots mean that might help, and the box that comes up when your in the center of a line and wants you to to put a number in the box the agraveting little thing ...lol..I put an attachment in so you could see what I'm doing wrong.

02-27-2013, 02:12 AM
It is the mirror that does not work for creating a closed curve. Undo the mirror. Copy, paste, flip, and then connect to make a closed curve.

02-27-2013, 07:02 AM
bergerrud thank you, got up this morning and took me 20 minutes... BUT I GOT IT. must be geting old my memory retention aint that good no more...lol

02-27-2013, 07:31 AM
I have another question, when you assign it to center it both ways and want to move part of the pattern how do you get it out of the center mode?

02-27-2013, 08:18 AM
right click - then click on the center button for which ever way (horiz. or vertical) that is blue (it is a very light blue) and then it will toggle off and you can move it.

One of the things I'd love is a "remove all restrictions including center" button that lets you move parts no matter how you've moved/attached them... maybe in a future update :)


02-27-2013, 08:36 AM
It kills me at times of how easy it is once you see how its done.. thank you Lawernce I'm putting that one in the memory bank....lol

02-27-2013, 10:13 AM
Nice advise Lawrence! Thanks

02-27-2013, 11:48 AM
I'm going crazy trying to get these cut paths, thought I learned something the other night with the toggle end points and it seems not to be working could someone tell me what exactly the colored dots mean that might help, and the box that comes up when your in the center of a line and wants you to to put a number in the box the agraveting little thing ...lol..I put an attachment in so you could see what I'm doing wrong.

Page 53 of your Software Owner's Manual describes what each colored dot represents. Check it out - you'll be glad you did.

03-05-2013, 03:46 AM
Thank you bergerd.... i was trying to mirror it and no matter how loud i screamed at this computer it would not connect the dang red dots...lol took 2 sec to copy, flip, past and connect ... WOW