View Full Version : concentric lines on an irregular shape

02-11-2013, 05:20 PM
I have a project I need help with. I need to make concentric fleur de lis, let's say 1/2" larger on the outside
of the attached mpc. my idea is to do something like MT's heart shaped box on POM prokect.
How do you make concentric lines of irregular shapes? The idea is make some sort of cookie cutter
for clay that will put on some pottery .

Perry B.

02-11-2013, 06:22 PM
Do you mean something like path offset?

02-11-2013, 06:37 PM
Here's what bergerud is talking about- I did one at 1/2 inch and one at 1/4 -

The offset tool comes with the 2d tools and is VERY valuable


02-11-2013, 10:28 PM
Thanks both of you, I did some thinking after I posted my question and it looks like we all came up with the same answer.
Here is my verision. I would be able to put a second layer on the base and give it some depth of about 3/4"
I used path offset too, boy that new software is good.
Thanks again for the effort.