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View Full Version : Retirement Project

01-25-2013, 09:56 AM
Mornin fellas!
So a mentor and friend of mine is retiring after 21 years of service as a CW4 from the U.S. Army. Due to “budgeting issues” the unit has decided that this gentleman will not be getting a retirement award/plaque, which I think is a HUGE dis-service to his commitment to his country. I find this rather unacceptable, and am going to take it upon myself to make sure his service is not only recognized, but also memorialized at least in his own home! I would like to see if anyone here has put together something they would be willing to share. I’m not looking for patterns, so much as I am inspiration! To date this will be the most meaningful thing I have built with my two hands, as this gentleman has spent most of his life taking care of soldiers such as myself. If you have ideas I would love to hear them! I am looking to make something that he can hang on his wall with his ribbons/medals and things of that nature and of course display his flag.
Thanks in advance.

01-25-2013, 10:40 AM
Search for threads started by lawrence. He has done some amazing boxes while incorporating modern woodworking and the cw. Amazing stuff. I have done some plaques for guys getting out but for a retirement I would set the bar up there. Budgeting issues suck. I have personal friends that are moving onto bigger and better things in the military and I have taken it upon myself to make goig away gifts but I make sure they know it is from me. I actually get a bit of business from it sometimes. People need to stop being cheap. Good luck.

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01-25-2013, 10:59 AM
I don't know if this helps at all but here is a pic of the display my wife had done for me for my service awards. She got tired of waiting for me to do something with them and found another woodworker to do it LOL. Anyhow, thought I would contribute. And if you need some nice lumber for the project let me know, I would be willing to work something out with you for a good cause!


01-25-2013, 11:13 AM
Klockit has a 7-day mechanism for making clocks that tell the day of the week only. These make nice retirement gifts in my opinion. Being retired from corporate life myself, I often loose track of the day of the week. You might even change every day but Sunday into Saturday!

59317 59318

01-25-2013, 11:13 AM
Just an idea - The CW4 shoulder Board carved as the top of a Shadow Box. There is an area cut out in the center and carved out in the back to place a piece of class (mounted from behind) where Medals and ribbons can be displayed.

Lawrence does an Awesome job with shadow boxes - But I thought would throw this out to you anyway.