View Full Version : What would cause this?

01-01-2013, 01:28 PM
I had to restart a carving that was half done after my Z drive went out. I adjusted the pattern to carve the field .002 deeper and lowered the height on the elements a bit just so everything would be the same. Everything went fine but I had this one flaw in the carve. You might expect something like this at the point where it began to carve new material but this was below that. If you look close you can see a small dent at the same point on the edge of the carve, and there is a deeper line going all the way across. It's only from this point to the far edge, nothing from the near edge to this element. Why might it do this?


01-01-2013, 02:29 PM
Had this happen to me on a carve that I had to restart, best that I determined was that the spot that was measured for the width of the board was different than the original measurement, thus shifting the project ever so slightly on the board.

I was able to sand it and blend it in - when finished you couldn't even tell it was there.