View Full Version : Help and a question

12-15-2012, 06:22 PM
Ok, i'm trying to create a pattern of my logo to put on the back of projects. Looks like it will not carve well, is there too much detail? I want to make it small as possible but still look ok. Is there something I can do to clean it up? Guess I need to ask for the pattern editor software for Christmas.

And the question is, if I manage to get this useable, do I have to go in each time and change the size of the board, or will it be ok as long as the board is at least as big as the pattern says? I have noticed if the board is smaller than required the machine will complain, but if slightly bigger it doesn't care.


12-15-2012, 06:32 PM
On the board size yes, if the board is too narrow then the machine asks about scaling. If the board is wider than the Designer Board then it will place the art on the corner of the board I believe.

I will pass on the pattern question.


12-15-2012, 07:32 PM
Your logo could be made into a nice pattern IMHO. Post a hi-res version and someone will probably do it.

Capt Bruce
12-15-2012, 07:39 PM
You might consider converting the logo to vector carved lines as it will carve quicker normally than waiting for a raster based carving,

12-15-2012, 08:03 PM
This is best normal image of my logo. If someone wanted to mess with it I do have a photoshop file of it that I could email that's like 2.4 megs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Remember I'm a beginner and only have the basic software and equipment right now.

12-15-2012, 08:13 PM
Try this - Set bit optimization to best - overall size is 2 inches by a little over 2 inches. You can make it larger for larger carvings

You can add draft if you wish, and adjust the depth shallower to get the look you want - Making it deeper might give you chip out on the lettering.

12-15-2012, 11:20 PM
Thank you my friend!