View Full Version : Board to thick to cut

11-07-2012, 04:11 PM
I have 3 machines and one of them keeps giving me the error message that my board is to thick, i take the same piece of wood with the same card and put it in another machine and have no problems, but when I move everything back to the first machine i get the same message. does anyone know what to do to fix this?

11-07-2012, 04:18 PM
Check the board tracking sensor (brass roller) and see if the plastic frame to it has a hole in it. If so use some double sided tape and a dime or credit card thick plastic to cover the hole.

11-07-2012, 04:47 PM
You may have to calibrate the board thickness on that machine.


11-08-2012, 02:49 PM
MEASURE the distance on ALL 3 machines from the Z top hitting the post to the SAME bit in all 3 machines touching the BIT PLATE... Sometimes the Bit Plates get bent up or down physically.... Bet BAD MACHINE is bent DOWN.

DO this by first placing the Z Truck to TOP DEAD CENTER hitting the post then turn on the Options, Sensor Data and Z Data... Should be 0000 touching the upper stop... Then move the head and touch the Bit Plate... Remember the machine will make 0000 where ever the Z Head is when you turn on the Sensor Data... To make it easier... Have the Bit in the upper mechanical stop on ALL 3 Machines...

Also touch the Sliding Right Side Guide.... And while your at it.... Put in a WIDE Board and Crank it down and use the same procedure to check the Whole Head for LEVEL.... Left and right side of the board.....

Let us know... Use the same bit in all 3 machines.. OR that data will be bad...