View Full Version : stock size

08-20-2012, 09:07 PM
does the rotary jig use only one size stock (2x 12) or can it use smaller size

08-20-2012, 09:34 PM
I believe only 2 x 12 as the outer edges of the stock stays in contact with the sand paper belt carrier board. But I don't have one yet but have studied the jig for ideas for my Color Printer Jig I will build in the future.

PM the maker.....

Someday I would like to make a different version with plastic gears in 1/2 inch increments that are placed on each end of the stock and ride in a Rack and Pinion Track built into the Carrier Drive Board. That would let you use blanks from thin to about 5 inches in diameter.


08-20-2012, 09:37 PM
does the rotary jig use only one size stock (2x 12) or can it use smaller sizeI've never modified the jig to carve smaller, only larger.
perhaps you should contact Ed baker, as he makes the jig.

08-22-2012, 08:35 PM
The Rotary jig (as it is sold) will only accept 2" diameter X 14" long stock. Shorter stock can be used with ASKBUDS "third rail", and some folks have added side rail attachments to carve Larger than 2". Carving on smaller diameter stock is NOT possible without modifying the jig.
ie. Changing the moving center to a different thickness, or modifying the side rails.


09-12-2012, 10:13 PM
Ed ,can the scanning probe work in the jig as long as the object is 2 in diameter(like cut dowel apart and glue the object back to replace the part removed to make the 14 in length and leave two inch diameter on each end ) Thanks Bert (also i received my jig today )

09-13-2012, 08:19 AM
Bert, I believe that "Ask Bud" has a tutorial on scanning with the rotary jig. He can answer most questions on that subject. I personally have not scanned round objects but once, and that was a good while back. "Ask Bud" would be the expert to go to.


09-13-2012, 09:35 AM
My "Download" link, below, has a lesson titled "3rd Rail for Ed's Rotary Jig". You will find it is easier than trying to perfect a glue-up to 14 inches.