View Full Version : Start U team, Check the START U group area for the latest posts!!

05-07-2012, 01:04 PM
There have been a couple of new posts in the START U group area....

Posting this as I do not think we are all checking the group area on a regular basis...

05-07-2012, 01:08 PM
START U members can SUBSCRIBE to the group, so that any time something is posted they get an email notification.

Once in the START U Group, but not a discussion, click GROUP TOOLS > SUBSCRIBE to this group. I believe you can select how frequently you get notified (each day, once per week...don't remember exactly).

05-07-2012, 01:25 PM
START U members can SUBSCRIBE to the group, so that any time something is posted they get an email notification.

Once in the START U Group, but not a discussion, click GROUP TOOLS > SUBSCRIBE to this group. I believe you can select how frequently you get notified (each day, once per week...don't remember exactly).

I show "subscribed" but do not receive any email notification...


Unsubscribed then re did subscribe. notificaiton option to get updates by email weekley. No option to set for instant updates...

05-07-2012, 02:03 PM
HMMMM. I only see them weekly too. Wondered why I didn't pick daily.

OK, looked in the vBulletin Forum forums and this does not appear to be a feature that is available. Someone created a "hack" for it, but I'm not savy enough to install and don't trust it not to mess something else up.

Maybe, we should just post here when there is activity to alert folks to go look.


05-07-2012, 02:12 PM
HMMMM. I only see them weekly too. Wondered why I didn't pick daily.

OK, looked in the vBulletin Forum forums and this does not appear to be a feature that is available. Someone created a "hack" for it, but I'm not savy enough to install and don't trust it not to mess something else up.

Maybe, we should just post here when there is activity to alert folks to go look.


That might work, but direct email would be my vote!!! :)

06-04-2012, 05:21 PM
How do I find the Start_U group area?

06-04-2012, 05:27 PM
How do I find the Start_U group area?

It is found under the "community" tab "groups".

Are you a StartU member???

Edit: Checked the members list and you are.. Welcome!!