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View Full Version : Congratulations Floyd!!!---E-Bay

04-25-2012, 06:46 AM
Congrats my friend! You not only have your terrific product on E-Bay but you ALSO figured out a way to get the word out to people on there that the patterns being sold on E-Bay are free on the forum. Thank you!

PS - You may want to add Compucarve to your listing to get it into that catagory also. Again thanks for getting the word out there!

CNC Carver
04-25-2012, 07:01 AM
What products does Floyd have on ebay? Found it. DC Insert. Nice Job.

04-25-2012, 09:47 AM
Congrats my friend! You not only have your terrific product on E-Bay but you ALSO figured out a way to get the word out to people on there that the patterns being sold on E-Bay are free on the forum. Thank you!

PS - You may want to add Compucarve to your listing to get it into that catagory also. Again thanks for getting the word out there!


Yes I thought it was about time to get some kind of listing out there about the free patterns being pirated on Ebay. Especially seeing WE KNOW WHO back to there.

Thanks for the tip on my listing. I will see about getting it updated. It was some what of a quick listing.

04-25-2012, 03:58 PM
Congrats and Thanks Floyd ... you rock.

05-23-2012, 08:14 PM
You rock Floyd! You are my new hero... at least for this week. :~)

05-23-2012, 08:35 PM
You rock Floyd! You are my new hero... at least for this week. :~)


Well thanks sir! :)

As of today "0" sales :roll: but that was not my real intent any way...

06-16-2012, 01:21 PM
Thanks Eddied for also adding a Ebay listing for the FREE PATTERNS. I see you have gotten a few requests already. Great job sir!

Also see you had an UNKNOWN purchase who thought you were ripping people off for selling free patterns. Guess he does not read to well!

Thanks again for helping to get the word out there!

06-16-2012, 01:55 PM
Unbeleivable eh Floyd UNKNOWN purchases

06-16-2012, 02:06 PM
Now that is the way to put out the FIRE of GREED.... A link to the FREE PATTERNS that are being SOLD to the Un Knowing for REAL HARD EARNED MONEY.... Why PAY some low life or low life's son that is taking what is offered FREE after a lot of hard work and selling them.

Good Job !!!!


06-16-2012, 02:06 PM
I saw the auction on EBAY yesterday and loved it. Absolutely fabulous! Great way to get the info out there.

06-16-2012, 02:35 PM
Great Job Floyd. I would add the forum is free it sounds like you are selling the forum. Again 3 cheers for Floyd.


06-16-2012, 03:17 PM
Thanks Floyd and others. I had only told a few what I was doing. It has worked, today sfsales2000, under another name (new account) purchased the ebay listing, and while I was refunding the money, he left negative feedback. The paypal info, emails all told me who the real buyer was. He is still here, and most know who he is signed in as now. It has been mentioned in the post here. I had to change the listing to conform to ebays rules, for they pulled the listing. But it is back there now, with a few modifications. Even if I kept the sales, my profit would have been 0.06 per sale after all the fee's. I have been refunding the sales after the link is sent. Thus it cost me ebay fees of 0.61 per sale.

06-16-2012, 06:56 PM
Thanks Floyd and others. I had only told a few what I was doing. It has worked, today sfsales2000, under another name (new account) purchased the ebay listing, and while I was refunding the money, he left negative feedback. The paypal info, emails all told me who the real buyer was. He is still here, and most know who he is signed in as now. It has been mentioned in the post here. I had to change the listing to conform to ebays rules, for they pulled the listing. But it is back there now, with a few modifications. Even if I kept the sales, my profit would have been 0.06 per sale after all the fee's. I have been refunding the sales after the link is sent. Thus it cost me ebay fees of 0.61 per sale.

Your very welcome Eddie! They/he can run but can not hide!!

06-16-2012, 07:40 PM
Thanks to you also Eddie! Great job guys

CNC Carver
06-16-2012, 08:02 PM
Thanks Floyd and others. I had only told a few what I was doing. It has worked, today sfsales2000, under another name (new account) purchased the ebay listing, and while I was refunding the money, he left negative feedback. The paypal info, emails all told me who the real buyer was. He is still here, and most know who he is signed in as now. It has been mentioned in the post here. I had to change the listing to conform to ebays rules, for they pulled the listing. But it is back there now, with a few modifications. Even if I kept the sales, my profit would have been 0.06 per sale after all the fee's. I have been refunding the sales after the link is sent. Thus it cost me ebay fees of 0.61 per sale.

GREAT WORK!!! This should help reduce the people stealing everyones ideas to make a profit selling there free patterns! I hope it will bring people back to the open sharing on this family forum.

06-16-2012, 09:59 PM
Sadly eBay will turn a blind eye to this low life as every one of HIS SALES generate MONEY for eBay.... His little game buying the link then leaving negative feedback just shows US that this will HURT HIM.... GO eelamb GO.... TOO bad LHR does not slam him...

IF people would JUST READ the Auction by eelamb they will become informed consumers..... I wonder if someone could get a District Attorney or some Legal Entity involved? "Theft by Deception" or get one of the "TV Consumer Reporters" to "Spotlight" eBay's blind eye... "Make our little Pattern Thief" the National Poster Child for GREED... CBS Evening News..... "Special Consumer Report..."

Sad that this can go on.... "But it is all about MONEY and GREED"


11-19-2012, 09:43 PM
I purchased the patterns from eelamb a few days after I got my machine and was VERY happy. Not only that, he helped me with some questions I had when I couldn't figure out the software AND he created a pattern for me recently from a photo. He is a AWESOME guy! I noticed some of the others selling patterns on Ebay, charging way more and giving way less. All I can say is what goes around comes around, and God will get them in the end! On the other end, everything that eelamb has given will come back to him 10 fold. Just my 2 cents.

11-19-2012, 10:01 PM
Yep Eddie is a good guy and glad you didn't get ripped off and purchase patterns on e-bay that are shared here.

Eddie - glad your e-bay listing is working

11-19-2012, 10:34 PM
I purchased the patterns from eelamb a few days after I got my machine and was VERY happy. Not only that, he helped me with some questions I had when I couldn't figure out the software AND he created a pattern for me recently from a photo. He is a AWESOME guy! I noticed some of the others selling patterns on Ebay, charging way more and giving way less. All I can say is what goes around comes around, and God will get them in the end! On the other end, everything that eelamb has given will come back to him 10 fold. Just my 2 cents.

This forum needs a like button!! :)

11-19-2012, 10:52 PM
I purchased the patterns from eelamb a few days after I got my machine and was VERY happy. Not only that, he helped me with some questions I had when I couldn't figure out the software AND he created a pattern for me recently from a photo. He is a AWESOME guy! I noticed some of the others selling patterns on Ebay, charging way more and giving way less. All I can say is what goes around comes around, and God will get them in the end! On the other end, everything that eelamb has given will come back to him 10 fold. Just my 2 cents.

For sure, Eddie is one of the best!!

11-20-2012, 11:00 AM
This forum needs a like button!! :)

There's one underneath the subject of each thread at the top of the page. :)