View Full Version : Picture Inlay

03-06-2012, 10:10 AM
I have what should be a simple question but I seem to be missing the answer. I want to carve a drawing .113 but not on the surface of a .50 mdf board. I want to carve it .30 down from the surface and then carve the image .113 deep. so it looks like it has been framed.



03-06-2012, 10:22 AM
I'm not the greatest at this but I think you would create a carve region first. then you would use the merge function. not sure if you would use additive or subtractive. maybe play with that and see if that works for ya... i'm sure there will be more posts from people who are much better than i am at this...

Alan Malmstrom
03-06-2012, 12:50 PM
I do a lot of this kind of thing and I set up the whole job, frame and art, as one pattern. And for this pattern I determine the height of things with the final board size in mind. If your working with a .5" board then consider 100% black to be the top and halfway down or .25" to be 50% black etc. I would make the frame go up to the 100% and the carving in the middle 30% or whatever. Simply change the color of carvable areas to what you want them to be as a percentage of black, and also make sure you have a completely white part on the pattern so that the designer program will take into concideration the full spectrum of color from white to black. Then make sure you set your depth to .5" and the height to 999 in the designer program.

Also make sure you create some tabs to hold things in place when you carve the final product.
