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View Full Version : Thanks for the offers, but.....

01-22-2007, 03:25 PM
In response to the many of the offers I've had, publicly and privately, of getting a machine into the UK, thanks.

There is, however, a problem beyond power supply and support from the team.
In their wisdom, the EEC brought in regulations in 2005 requiring electronic equipment to contain exceptionally low levels of a number of heavy metals - lead, cadmium etc., to enable future disposal to meet their environmental standards.
I have been informed by the cw team that while they are working to meet these standards, like many manufacturers in this situation, it's not an overnight modification. All the component parts in a piece of equipment must already meet the standards individually.

The prospect of hanging by my thumbs in a Customs and Excise dungeon for trying to bring in a machine labeled "knitting patterns" dissuades me from other methods of acquiring one.
And before anyone else thinks like I did, a second hand machine built before the regulations came into force might be a loophole, it isn't.
They thought of that one and made it a retrospective act.
The only loophole is for equipment built before the regulations, that has not been imported before and was not offered for sale before.

Thanks to all,

01-22-2007, 03:32 PM
It's bad enough worrying about one's own countries "rules", but to have to go by what Chile, Bolivia, and Venezuela think also would be beyond the pale, so to speak, John.


01-22-2007, 04:16 PM
The prospect of hanging by my thumbs in a Customs and Excise dungeon for trying to bring in a machine labeled "knitting patterns" dissuades me from other methods of acquiring one.

Quit spreading disinformation. They stopped hanging people by the thumbs years ago, they popped off too easily. They now hang you upside-down by the ankles. It allows you to hallucinate sooner, which is very important when hanging upside-down by your ankles in a Customs and Excise dungeon.

01-22-2007, 04:27 PM
And I thought they were behind ! Heck we're still in the thumbscrew and thumb hanging here in the US ... and from the looks, more to come :roll:

01-23-2007, 10:01 PM
And YES, the Beatings will continue until MORAL IMPROVES !!!

01-25-2007, 06:35 AM
What if it went in piece by piece?

01-25-2007, 10:43 AM
An interesting question, Hanna, but without the electronics, which is the main source of the problem, I'd have an expensive door stop.
I suppose CW could send me a circuit diagram, and ask me to wire up my own, but by the time I'd finished they would probably have brought out the 240v machine. :wink:


01-25-2007, 10:48 AM
Don't worry Greybeard, that's not Interpol knocking at your door. :wink: