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View Full Version : question about being contacted byfellow members

01-11-2012, 02:07 PM
Hey guys,

I am hoping that I did not some how get scammed. I received a personal message last month about some sketches I made. And based on those sketches someone would love to sell my work. BOY did I get excited. Someone actually liked something I created. This floored me. I spent my vacation creating more stuff for them. Boy I thought I finally did something right. The target was 50 models or parts. I met that goal and informed them of this. I even created an account online to share the files with them. Then it went silent. Have not heard anything. So I sit wondering ... What did I do wrong this time? How could I have blown it or screwed this one up. But I didn't do or say anything wrong. So now I worry that I some how got scammed and just don't know it yet. I feel like that deer sitting in the middle of the field eating grass with a 300 win mag targeted between my eyes. Do I wait for the click and then pearly gates, or go proactive and find out what is going on?

My purpose or question is this. Should we trust people from this forum when they contact me thru Personal messages? Even if they seem to have been on this site for a while?

Thank you for allowing me to whine or at least get this off my chest.


01-11-2012, 02:22 PM
I have seen numerous discussions like this on multiple different forums, not just this one. Its really hard to tell who is being honest and whatnot. I tend to not agree to do anything for someone who I have not had more correspondence with, and tend to only work with more prominent members of the forum.

Not sure what happened with your situation, but I have seen stuff like this happen before. Just gotta be weary of dealing with other people. Again, you never know who is being honest, and who is trying to scam you. Send me a PM, and we can discuss the person a little further. I may be able to assist you a little more.

01-13-2012, 10:35 PM
Maybe the person got sick

01-14-2012, 06:11 PM
Maybe the person got sick

Good point. And I humbly apologize for my arigance and impatience. Hopefully they will contact me as soon as they get better so I can apologize to them as well.