View Full Version : Rubbing it in.

05-18-2011, 12:37 PM
Okay, are you just rubbing it in to those of us who could not attend the conference by having the information and sign-up data on the community home page. I really wanted to attend, (and Army was actually go to pay for it because of what I produce for them) but missions came up that would not allow me to be gone for that week in particular. Maybe next year.

05-18-2011, 09:26 PM
I'm sorry you couldn't make it. Please know how much many of us appreciate the fact that your service allows us to enjoy the freedom to attend something like this. Thank you for that service to the country, even when it means you can't make a conference like this. There will be more, I'm sure. When you make the next one, the first beer is on me.

05-18-2011, 10:06 PM

Nope not trying to rub it in on anyone. Just trying to let those who could not come how good it was and maybe set the fire for the next one..

Wish more active guys on the forum could have made the trip. Was really surprised at the number of those who did come were not even on the forum.

05-18-2011, 10:39 PM
I sure did have a great time and learned so much during the presentations!
I have videos of some of them and will upload them as soon on the CW Facebook page.
I watched them again and saw so much I already forgot I could do.
Hats off to everyone who did the presentations!!

05-18-2011, 11:25 PM
Felt bad that I couldn't make down to Texas this year, and would liked to have met the gang, while sharing some ideas and stories.
I appreciate the photos some of you have posted, -- hoping maybe next time this old dog can make the trip and learn a few new tricks.