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View Full Version : Front roller released

01-06-2007, 01:07 AM
Well I'm now extremly frustrated,
I received the CarveWright (CompuCarve) for Christmas. I was able to do a couple projects (cleaning after each one) then I started having board sensor problems. I called CarveWright, and I received a call back almost immediately (very impressive). After some quick troubleshooting with the gentleman on the phone, it was determined to have a bad sensor card. He was sending me a new one. Four hours of use and I need a new sensor card? I wiggled the connection and I could get it to work every now and then. As I was checking connections the ribbon cable that goes to the motor head fell out. Extremly frustrated I brought the machine back to Sears and they order me another one. I received the machine today and I was able to do one peice before I started having problems. Once again it was board sence problems, I blew out the inside with compressed air, I throughly cleaned the inside, still no help. I went through the troubleshooting procedure that I went through with the gentleman from CarveWright, now it is telling me that the front roller head will not compress. Does anyone know the fix for this problem? I really like the concept of this machine and excited to use it, but I have nothing but problems, please help!