View Full Version : Clean or Y Stall with 10hrs on new motor

01-31-2011, 08:05 PM
Just got new y motor assembly, and used about 10hrs, now I'm getting either y stall error 303 or clean y rails. Have been getting a little power fluctuation recently-starts slow then speeds up when x axis measurement. Any suggestions? Been trying to get the carve to go, getting errors 303, 293, to the machine just disconnects and turns itself off. Was doing great.

02-01-2011, 12:11 AM
Take a look at the all truck bearing for a stuck one. It can be hard to find the bad ones, even make sense to remove the z truck assembly and twist each one, if you find a bad one sometimes a ton of wd40 and a air gun will clean them. After that take a look at the y pulley for slack or it the belt is over tighteded...

02-01-2011, 10:03 AM
Thanks Liquidguitar, bearings work good and took off and cleaned the y belt but it still gives the error. I was trying a new sawdust removal system from fredrick's post on the machine when it came loose and hit the spindle for a second before I could grab it. Thats when the problem started. Thought you might have hit the nail on the head with the belt, didn't know if the y belt might have slipped one way or the other when it caught the sawdust head pan, but that doesn't seem to be the problem after removing belt and checking tension I'm still getting the same errors. Guess I'll have to look a little deeper in the forum. Thanks for the reply.