View Full Version : A Winning Christmas (Spring) Wreath

Capt Bruce
12-18-2010, 10:46 AM
I can't claim credit for the design but a variation of the Spring Wreath was the centerpiece of my office door decorations that was selected for First Place in our Division.

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Sorry but I still do not know how to rotate original photos for posting here, so just lay down on your desk and enjoy the first one. I've carved several variations of the banner to be changed with the seasons.

Several of the judges were so taken with the wreath that they would like personal copies.

12-18-2010, 11:02 AM
Well earned-- that looks like it added a very classy touch to the decor in your workplace.


Capt Bruce
12-18-2010, 11:42 AM
Thank you Lawrence,

I hope it did, since as you know, most of our government and military workplaces are a study in shades of seasick green and or beige. LOTS OF BEIGE. Any excuse for a bit of color helps brighten up the place a bit.

The Spring Wreath by Michael Tyler - www.carvebuddy.com (http://www.carvebuddy.com) is such a complete and handsome project that it has brought me more compliments than most anything else I've carved. And for a guy who can finally see retirement on the horizon in a few years it never hurts to advertise this little home hobby/business now. It's all in letting potential clients see an example and then let their imagination take it from there. "And he told two friends, and they told two friends . . ."

Hope you enjoy the Holidays and keep up your fine work (and keep on showing us for inspiration).