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View Full Version : Scanning Service requested

11-10-2010, 05:11 PM
I am trying to find a CarveWright owner with access and experience with the scanning probe, interested in scanning a few items for pay. I have designed a variety of professional pitching horseshoes that I would like to scan and import into one of my 3D packages. It requires that each side be scanned. I have shoes in ductile iron, aluminum and wood which I will need scanned. I am trying to transfer all of my current designs into 3D editable format. You can contact me directly, if you wish... bobrass@verizon.net Thanks

11-11-2010, 07:14 AM
Hi Bob,

Glad to see you posted here as I suggested. Hopefully you'll find someone that you will be able to partner with for your project. Perhaps you could post a couple photos of your professional pitching horseshoes so folks can get a better idea of what they would be scanning for you.

Also, I forgot to ask you the other day...do you already own the CarveWright Pattern Editor yourself so you can open/edit the raw scans? If you (or the person you'll be working with) own the CarveWright STL Importer and the CarveWright Pattern Editor, there is a new option that allows you to export the scans directly to STL format. I'm assuming you will need the scans converted to STL format so you can open them in your 3D software (what 3D software are you using)?

11-11-2010, 01:29 PM
Hi Bob.

With an interest in throwing horseshoes I checked out your website. Very unique design which has piqued my interest.

I have sent you an email.


11-11-2010, 02:14 PM
I'm curios to know how wooden horse shoes would hold up with the type of use(abuse) they get when throwing them against a stake.

11-14-2010, 07:36 AM
Good Morning, JerryB...

The wooden horseshoe is sent to the foundry where they cast the prototypes from this pattern. Unfortunately, only ductile iron or drop forged steel can withstand the continuous impact with the stake. If not cast or forged properly they will break after time. Thanks for your question.

11-14-2010, 07:38 AM
Good Morning, Jim...I did receive and respond to your email. Awaiting your quote for .stl output. Thanks, Bob

11-14-2010, 07:51 AM
Good Morning, Michael...thanks for your suggestion. I do not have the CarveWright Pattern Editor or CarveWright. However, it was apparent that using the scanning probe and exporting would be a valuable tool for recording my designs for further 3D processing. I am currently designing my .stl files for 3D printing using a variety of software, i.e., SketchUp, Blender, TurboCad17, MinMagics, netfabb, and am looking at Protean. I sometimes find it is easier to rough out a shape in beechwood or mahogany, take measurements and manipulate them in 3D software. It would be a real time saver if I could have someone scan my existing patterns, export them to .stl format and pass them back to me for import into the software mentioned. The greatest challenge in horseshoe design is conforming to the weight restrictions (under 2 pounds 10 ounces) and the other specifications levied by the NHPA. So, using the scanning probe with .stl export is a real time saver for me. Thanks for your reply. Keep checking my email for a member interested in picking up this challenge. Regards...Bob

11-14-2010, 09:09 AM
Good Morning, all...

Michael per your request I am attaching a couple of images. The first is of a split pattern ready to g39915o to the patternmaker to make a permanent mold or, to the foundry for prototype casting. The second is the typical output cast in ductile iron. 39914