View Full Version : Looking for coin patterns

10-25-2010, 10:42 PM
Anyone have any coin patterns that they are willing to share. I have the Lincoln cent from the projects page and made it for a coin collector friend and he loved it. But now he would like to make a collection of different coins. I found some free ptns on the net quite a while ago but could never get them to carve very well. So I am asking if anyone out there has any others they are willing to share?

10-25-2010, 11:08 PM
Anyone have any coin patterns that they are willing to share. I have the Lincoln cent from the projects page and made it for a coin collector friend and he loved it. But now he would like to make a collection of different coins. I found some free ptns on the net quite a while ago but could never get them to carve very well. So I am asking if anyone out there has any others they are willing to share?

Got to Carvebuddy.com (http://www.carvebuddy.com/coins.html), Michael has a nice set as free down loads and they carve nice.

Also these are posted in the Gallery section.


10-27-2010, 01:27 PM
Here is the direct link to the free CarveBuddy coin patterns:


10-27-2010, 06:13 PM
Thank you but these are the ones that I already have, but I am not having any luck in carving them. There is no detail they seem to be too shallow. I've tried a few different sizes but still no luck. Any suggestions on how to get them to look right?

10-27-2010, 08:51 PM
Thank you but these are the ones that I already have, but I am not having any luck in carving them. There is no detail they seem to be too shallow. I've tried a few different sizes but still no luck. Any suggestions on how to get them to look right?

If any pattern is enlarged by "too much", the detail is lost. It's the nature of relief patterns to lose detail when enlarged to a certain point.The only way to restore/compensate for that is to increase the Depth and the Height of a pattern (You can set the height at 999). I'm guessing that is the primary reason you are not getting good detail in your carvings...not increasing your depth and height after enlargement.

Other things to take note of, is to be sure to apply Bit Optimization: BEST on the pattern...and also select either Best or Optimal quality when you actually upload the project to your card. Optimal will yield the very best result possible, but takes about 2 1/2 times longer to carve. I bite the bullet and usually select Optimal for most of my carving projects. I think it is well worth the extra time.

Hope that helps!